A small WFC experiment / Dwarf Fortress grid layout system

map_generation_1673207219| 690x345

This post was moved here from my cohost page. Original post was made on January 9th 2023.

Last month I was playing Dwarf Fortress and came up with a 9x9 grid system for planning fort layouts. Rooms are placed in the center of grid cells and are connected with 2 tile wide corridors running along the edges. If you remove the corridor and merge the cells, you get large spacious halls.

I wanted to use the Wave Function Collapse algorithm to see what kind of structures this system can produce on various scales. I made a tileset and implemented the algorithm in Python. This is the latest version of the tileset:

This produces some interesting maps! It reminds me of a town structure with plazas, streets and buildings.

I used Houdini to generate a mesh from a resulting map by putting height of ceilings into blue channel of the pixels and extruding the walls upwards.

I dropped the result into UE5's FPS template and added some colored emissive ceilings in the halls. The result gives more of a cyberpunk underground slum vibe than a dwarven fortress:

i don't know anything about dwarf fortress but am a big fan of these types of gifs

I did something similar myself (wfc with blueprint) a while ago, it looked like uhhhh. this!


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I should post my (very scrappy and slow) code too. It does not seem to work with latest version of numpy, but installing numpy 1.23.4 helped.

Gif generation must be enabled in the script, but it makes it waaay slower.

These are the tilesets

from PIL import Image
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List
import random
import calendar
import time
import numpy
from blend_modes import addition

class Tile:
    content: Image
    edge_n: tuple[int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int]
    edge_s: tuple[int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int]
    edge_w: tuple[int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int]
    edge_e: tuple[int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int]
    name: str

class Neighbor:
    x: float
    y: float
    edge_name: str

tile_types = []

im = Image.open("tileset.png")
tileset_w = im.size[0] // TILE_SIZE
tileset_h = im.size[1] // TILE_SIZE

def rgba_to_int( rgba ):
    return rgba[0]

for x in range(tileset_w):
    for y in range(tileset_h):
        tile_data = im.crop((x*TILE_SIZE, y*TILE_SIZE, (x+1)*TILE_SIZE, (y+1)*TILE_SIZE))
        #ix = list(tile_data.getdata())
        #edge_n = map(rgba_to_bool, pix[:,0])

        edge_n = tuple(map(rgba_to_int, list(tile_data.crop((0,0,TILE_SIZE,1)).getdata())))
        edge_s = tuple(map(rgba_to_int, list(tile_data.crop((0,TILE_SIZE-1,TILE_SIZE,TILE_SIZE)).getdata())))
        edge_w = tuple(map(rgba_to_int, list(tile_data.crop((0,0,1,TILE_SIZE)).getdata())))
        edge_e = tuple(map(rgba_to_int, list(tile_data.crop((TILE_SIZE-1,0,TILE_SIZE,TILE_SIZE)).getdata())))

        tile_types.append( Tile(tile_data, edge_n, edge_s, edge_w, edge_e, str(x)+"_"+str(y)+"_0") )

        if edge_n == edge_s and edge_w == edge_e:
            if edge_n != edge_w:
                tile_types.append( Tile(tile_data.rotate(90), edge_e, edge_w, tuple(reversed(edge_n)), tuple(reversed(edge_s)), str(x)+"_"+str(y)+"_90") )
            tile_types.append( Tile(tile_data.rotate(90), edge_e, edge_w, tuple(reversed(edge_n)), tuple(reversed(edge_s)), str(x)+"_"+str(y)+"_90") )
            tile_types.append( Tile(tile_data.rotate(180), tuple(reversed(edge_s)), tuple(reversed(edge_n)), tuple(reversed(edge_e)), tuple(reversed(edge_w)), str(x)+"_"+str(y)+"_180") )
            tile_types.append( Tile(tile_data.rotate(270), tuple(reversed(edge_w)), tuple(reversed(edge_e)), edge_s, edge_n, str(x)+"_"+str(y)+"_270") )

field_w = 20
field_h = 20

wfc_field = [[0 for y in range(field_h)] for x in range(field_w)] 

edge_names = ["edge_n", "edge_w", "edge_s", "edge_e"]

for field_x in range(field_w):
    for field_y in range(field_h):
        possibilities = []
        for tile in tile_types:
        wfc_field[field_x][field_y] = possibilities

def remove_edge_possibility(x, y, edge_name, edge_def):
    possibilities = wfc_field[x][y].copy()
    for tile in possibilities:
        if getattr(tile, edge_name) == edge_def:
            remove_possibility(x, y, tile)

def set_only_edge_possibility(x, y, edge_name, edge_def):
    possibilities = wfc_field[x][y].copy()
    for tile in possibilities:
        if getattr(tile, edge_name) != edge_def:
            remove_possibility(x, y, tile)

def remove_possibility(x, y, tile_type):
    if tile_type not in wfc_field[x][y]:
    edge_type_use_counts = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    for tile in wfc_field[x][y]:
        for i, edge_name in enumerate(edge_names):
            if getattr(tile_type, edge_name) == getattr(tile, edge_name):
                edge_type_use_counts[i] += 1
    for i, _ in enumerate(edge_type_use_counts):
        if edge_type_use_counts[i] == 0:
            neighbor = get_neighbor(x, y, edge_names[i])
            if neighbor is not None:
                neighbor_edge_def = getattr(tile_type, edge_names[i])
                remove_edge_possibility(neighbor.x, neighbor.y, neighbor.edge_name, neighbor_edge_def)
            edge_type_use_counts = [0, 0, 0, 0]
            for tile in wfc_field[x][y]:
                for i, edge_name in enumerate(edge_names):
                    if getattr(tile_type, edge_name) == getattr(tile, edge_name):
                        edge_type_use_counts[i] += 1

def collapse_to_possibility(x, y, tile_type):
    if tile_type not in wfc_field[x][y]:
    possibilities = wfc_field[x][y].copy()
    for tile in possibilities:
        if tile != tile_type:
            remove_possibility(x, y, tile)
def collapse_to_random_possibility(x, y): 
    tile_type = random.choice(wfc_field[x][y])
    collapse_to_possibility(x, y, tile_type)
    #print("tile "+str(x)+" "+str(y)+" collapsed. Possibilities: " + str(len(wfc_field[x][y])))
    if (len(wfc_field[x][y]) > 1) :
        print(list(map(lambda a : a.name, wfc_field[x][y])))

def get_neighbor(x, y, edge_name):
    if edge_name == "edge_n":
        y -= 1
        neighbor_edge_name = "edge_s"
    if edge_name == "edge_s":
        y += 1
        neighbor_edge_name = "edge_n"
    if edge_name == "edge_w":
        x -= 1
        neighbor_edge_name = "edge_e"
    if edge_name == "edge_e":
        x += 1
        neighbor_edge_name = "edge_w"

    if x < 0 or x >= field_w or y < 0 or y >= field_h:
        return None
    return Neighbor(x, y, neighbor_edge_name)

edge_empty = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

for x in range(field_w):
    set_only_edge_possibility(x, 0, "edge_n", edge_empty)
    set_only_edge_possibility(x, field_h-1, "edge_s", edge_empty)

for y in range(field_h):
    set_only_edge_possibility(0, y, "edge_w", edge_empty)
    set_only_edge_possibility(field_w-1, y, "edge_e", edge_empty)

def find_least_uncertainty():
    least_uncertainty = len(tile_types)
    candidates = []
    for x in range(field_w):
        for y in range(field_h):
            if (len(wfc_field[x][y]) <= 1):
            if (len(wfc_field[x][y]) < least_uncertainty):
                least_uncertainty = len(wfc_field[x][y])
                candidates = [(x,y)]
            elif (len(wfc_field[x][y]) == least_uncertainty):
    if len(candidates) == 0:
        return False
    x, y = random.choice(candidates)
    collapse_to_random_possibility(x, y)
    return True

def make_image():
    dungeon_map = Image.new('RGB', (field_w*TILE_SIZE, field_h*TILE_SIZE), (0,0,0))

    for x in range(field_w):
        for y in range(field_h):
            if len(wfc_field[x][y]) > 0:
                offset = (x * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE)
                blend = Image.new('RGBA', (TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE), (0,0,0))
                blend_np = numpy.array(blend).astype(float)
                #tile = random.choice(wfc_field[x][y])
                for tile in wfc_field[x][y]:
                    im = tile.content.point(lambda a: a*(1.0/len(wfc_field[x][y])))
                    im_np = numpy.array(im).astype(float)
                    blend_np = addition(blend_np, im_np, 1.0)
                blend = Image.fromarray(numpy.uint8(blend_np))
                dungeon_map.paste(blend, offset)

    dungeon_map = dungeon_map.resize((field_w*TILE_SIZE*4, field_h*TILE_SIZE*4), Image.NEAREST)

    return dungeon_map

frames = []
duration = []

make_gif = False	

if make_gif:

snapshot_step = 1

iter_counter = snapshot_step
while find_least_uncertainty():
    iter_counter -= 1
    if iter_counter == 0:
        if make_gif:
        iter_counter = snapshot_step

# collapse_to_random_possibility(1, 1)
# collapse_to_random_possibility(2, 2)
# collapse_to_random_possibility(3, 3)
# collapse_to_random_possibility(4, 4)
# collapse_to_random_possibility(5, 5)

if make_gif:

for x in range(field_w):
    print(list(map(len, wfc_field[x])))

if make_gif:
    frames[0].save("map_generation_"+str(calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()))+".gif", save_all=True, append_images=frames[1:], duration=duration, loop=0)

dungeon_map = make_image()


A bigger gif with the arrows tileset