Tiny Tires Thread

Alright! We can create devlog threads here?!

This is my game Tiny Tires! It a a tiny racing game I’ve been working on for 10 years on and off. I recently made a Steam page for wishlisting purposes and made a brand-new trailer too! Find the Steam page here.

Anyways, always nice to have a place to share some veins the scenes stuff with other devs! Hope to share more soon. Cheers! :heart:


I've been watching you make this fucker since like 2013??? on the Idle Forums? It's looked sick the whole time. Cool to see so many different levels in the trailer. When's it comin'!!!

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Haha damn, yeah I’ve been on and off on this damn thing forever. I don’t know when it’s out yet. But now it feels a little more serious now that I have a Steam page.. :upside_down_face:

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